29 Apr How To Work From Home
So, you work from home now and there are so many temptations, right? There are sleep ins, Netflix, snacks, social media, afternoon naps, and more snacks all within your reach! As a veteran ‘work-from-home-r’ I thought it’s time to share my tips to stay on track, actually get some work done, and all while you maintain your sanity. Got your snacks? Great, let’s jump in.
A healthy morning routine
When you work from home, it is easy to feel like you don’t have to do the things you would normally do to get ready for the day. Your morning routine is important for your work ethic, as well as mental and physical state. To start your morning right, set your alarm and get up at a reasonable hour, make your bed, get some exercise in, meditate, journal, eat something and shower. These things will help you feel accomplishment, motivation, self-worth, and mental clarity. Just what you need to set up for a great day!
Have a plan
It should come as no surprise to you, a plan is an essential part of your work – let alone working from home. Make yourself a daily, weekly, and monthly plan to guide you. Plans can change, plans can be put on hold, but it is so important for you to have a plan to move forward. Have you ever watched a dog chase its tail around in circles? It’s entertaining, the dog works pretty hard at catching the tail, but it’s not what we would call ‘productive’ work, right? So, set yourself up for success! As the saying goes “Fail to plan, plan to fail.”
Action = Motivation
Start off with some small tasks and work your way up. Motivation generally doesn’t appear on its own, it takes action to get those wheels in motion. Write yourself a short list of 3-5 things that need to be done today, start with something easy to get yourself into the groove, then move on to the next, ticking off your tasks as you go. You will be surprised how much more you’ll get done when you start small. Use your ‘to do’ list to setup up for tomorrow so you don’t waste time at procrastination station, instead you’ll be full steam ahead.
Take a break
Whether you need a break to stretch, or a break from the task at hand, take a break and get some fresh air. The big difference between work at the office and work at home, is you aren’t constantly interrupted by people, phone calls and emails. Without constant interruptions, you can get a lot more done in a shorter time frame, so schedule yourself breaks accordingly. On the other end, if you have been working on a task that isn’t going your way, the best thing you can do is walk away. Do something else like have a short walk, snack or pat the dog, then come back to it with fresh eyes and a clear mind.
Eat well, feel well
Uber Eats and drive thru might seem more appealing but there’s only so much takeout you can eat before you get that ‘junk food’ feeling. Don’t know how to cook? What a perfect opportunity to learn, my friend! There are countless videos on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram, let alone all the recipes on Google, and in those cookbooks you haven’t touched since you bought them in 2009. Just imagine how much you can learn while you work from home! Fresh food is a must if you’re going to keep the kilos off and the mind sharp.
Working from home can mean that you aren’t getting as much exercise as you would in a typical day at the office. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to have a successful workday, let alone for your physical and mental health. Whether you go walking, running, cycling or stay indoors to do some yoga, pilates and body weight exercises. Get at least 30 minutes of movement into each day and you will reap the benefits. Now that is self-care.
Doona days
I make no secrets about my experiences with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD – I also know these conditions can be exasperated when you work from home. Some days, the best thing you can do is allow yourself the space to have what I call a ‘doona day.’ A doona day is one where you stay in bed or on the lounge, to snuggle up and read, watch movies, colour in, eat snacks and generally give no f*cks. On your doona day, you don’t judge yourself, you don’t listen to the ‘Itty Bitty Pity Committee’ in your head, you just take some time for yourself to relax and reset. It’s time and space to feel how you want, knowing that you can and will pick up where you left off tomorrow. Do still try to get some movement into your day, because when you change your physical state, you change your mental state too. Tomorrow is a new day full of possibility, my friend, be kind to yourself.
Connection is so important when you are at home. Make time to chat on the phone, FaceTime, join in on Zoom calls and keep those groups chats happening. We are pack animals; we don’t thrive on our own and it is important for you to keep that in mind. On the other hand, it is also important to check in on the people we care about. A simple text or phone call can make all the difference in someone’s day, so schedule time in to connect with your loved ones for everyone’s sake. There are great online events to get involved with, where you can learn new things, meet people you may never have had the opportunity to otherwise and share your story with the world.
Most importantly, enjoy whatever it is you are doing, whether you are work, cook, clean, exercise, binge Netflix, or connect with old friends – an attitude of gratitude will make your day so much brighter.
As Roald Dahl says in The Twits:
If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.
A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.