What if you never got your social media accounts back?

If you’ve tried to access your social media this morning, you might have noticed the platforms are down. What if you never got your social media accounts back?

For some people, having all their followers taken out in a day would feel like the end of the world. Here’s the lesson… Unless your audience lives on a platform you own, you don’t own the audience.

At any time, without warning, the social media platforms can take away the profiles you use to communicate with your customers/potential customers. Today’s outage is a perfect example of why you need to push your audience towards the platforms you control.

  • Your website
  • Your blog
  • Your email list
  • Your booking portal
  • Your online course
  • Your store, office, gym, clinic, salon, cafΓ©, restaurant etc

This whole business thing is a bit like dating. You have to earn their details, give them a reason to want to take your relationship to the next level. Today is a great day to think about your customer journey.

Ask yourself these questions:

How do I ask my customer to β€˜opt in’?

Do I make it easy for them?

Am I giving them a good reason/Is my offer appealing to them?

After they opt in, how do I it worth their while?

To put it simply, if you were dating your customers with your email list, website, blog etc… would you get a first date? What about a second and third date? Or would they ghost you?

If you have been making this mistake, or others like it, and want to learn how to start, operate and grow your business, then it’s time you looked into business education like The Business Club.