09 Jan Play to your strengths
I spent today with a lovely client of mine, one of the greatest parts about working with this client is that they know their strengths and weaknesses. In this case computers, particularly typing, are not included in his strengths – he describes his typing as the ‘hunt and peck’ method.
My client needed a document made up and instead of spending days doing it he called me; now I’m pretty good on a computer and it took me two hours to complete! Now, this is the greatest example of a business man who knows where his time and money is best spent.
The lesson here, for everyone, is to play to your strengths. Outsource the shit you don’t do well or don’t enjoy. There’s no point in putting more stress on yourself than is absolutely necessary; you’re already wearing all the different hats, managing other people as well as running a business.
Focus on what you do best!