02 Sep Meet Amanda Williams

Amanda cut her teeth in PR as a political media advisor working between the Nation’s Capital and State Parliament looking after the reputations and public images of politicians. After six successful years, she branched out and launched her own PR and Marketing agency, Yellowpanda.
After the media referred to her as “a rising star of the federal media team” Amanda continued to prove herself as a connected and highly visible woman of influence.
She was a finalist in the Gold Coast Young Entrepreneur of the Year Public Relations category and features as a ‘business expert’ on ‘The Right Fit’ as one of the nations leading business personalities online.
With a previous career in sales and her own e-commerce brand, Amanda is a true hustler and will stop at nothing to make her clients stand out!
Not only does she instinctively know how to launch or refresh a brand, Amanda also masterminds with other experts from around the world.
She regularly invests in upskilling and attends professional events all over the world including the largest digital marketing conferences in the USA.
Amanda is actively cultivating partnerships in the USA to give clients the opportunity to crack the American Media under the Yellowpanda umbrella.

Amanda Panda Williams – Vibrant Entrepreneur & Professional Attention Seeker
Hi, I’m Amanda, but everyone who gets to know me, calls me Panda. I’m a creative rebel with a insatiable appetite for living my best life.
No one can ever predict my next move, but its never boring!
Throughout my lifetime, some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned come from:
- Being the new girl at seven schools
- Surviving bullying for the best part of 15+ years
- Running away from home when 16-years-old
- Winning the best bum in Australia
- Going back to University in my 20s
- Looking after the public images of Politicians for 6-years.
- Making headlines in the press as a rising star of the federal governments media team
- Leaving a secure job to start my own business
- Designing and manufacturing my own swimwear label
- Scaling a consulting business to a six-figure agency
- Having to keep my S+*&^ together through multiple surgeries and illnesses – with NO SICK PAY
- Losing my mum to prescription drug addiction and mental illness
I’m also an online shopping and fitness addict who owns more pairs of sneakers than heels. I’m a dare-devil extrovert who can be a little socially awkward at times. I’m also a bit of a nerd…
I’ve swam with hammerhead sharks in the wild, climbed my way to the top of several sketchy mountains and competed in chemistry titration competitions.
I also won a national hip-hop championship at 32 and I’ve cheated death and serious injury after being run over on a pedestrian crossing by a car!
On a deeper, more personal level (as you may have already seen above) I ran away from home when I was 16-years-old to escape a toxic environment. Everything I have accomplished since then has been a result of survival instinct and an obsession with proving those close to me, who said I would never amount to anything WRONG!
My Brilliant Ca-Rear!

While I was talking to Amanda about becoming the next guest presenter, she told me that she works best when she is on the spot. So, this event will be a little different from the others! Amanda will share her story with us (the good, the bad and the ugly) and then open the floor up to questions about PR and digital marketing, which means you’re getting direct access to professional guidance on your situation – on the spot! Be ready to see this energetic problem-solving wizz troubleshoot and wordsmith her way through your challenges. This is one guest presenter you don’t want to miss!
This month we are doing something truly special.
As you know, I pay The Brunch Club event guest speakers – this month, Amanda has asked to donate to her favourite charity instead. So, $10 from every ticket sold for this event will go to Young Care (more on them in a moment!). We will also be running a raffle to raise more funds, and open it up to our online network too! So if you can’t make the event but would like to get involved, we’ve got you covered.
Raffle Prizes:
Amanda has kindly donated
- 2 Bavewear Swimsuits (RRP $120) https://bavewear.com.au
- AND a 1:1 Consulting Session (valued at $350) www.yellowpanda.com.au
And I will also donate (on top of my usual lucky door prize gift bag)
- 1 x The Brunch Club calico bag filled with goodies from Mecca Cosmetica, Frank Body, YSL, Stila Cosmetics, Ren Skincare, 16 brand and more! (valued over $100)
- 1 x ticket to The Brunch Club event (valued at $59)
About YoungCare:
Currently there are 12,000 young people with disability stuck in aged care, hospital rooms and rehab centres simply because they have no other option. A life of uniformity, lack of choice and undignified care is no way for any young person to live.
YoungCare is a not-for-profit organisation spearheading powerful change for young people with high care needs. Through building High Care Housing, providing vital Grants and our Youngcare Connect support line, Youngcare is creating a future where every young person has the freedom and choice to live the lives we all deserve.
For those who wish to purchase raffle tickets online, you can go into the draw to win the Bavewear Swimwear or the 1:1 consulting package from Amanda Williams and a ticket to The Brunch Club!
For all those who attend The Brunch Club event, you will have the chance to win the above prizes, but a chance to win The Brunch Club goodie bag as well as the lucky door prize (included in your event ticket).
Raffle tickets are 3 for $10 or 7 for $20 and you can enter right here or purchase them in person on the day.
I will draw and announce the winners of our raffle prizes at The Brunch Club event on Friday October 4th, and online through the Empower House social media accounts.
Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/empowerhouseonline
Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/empower.house
Click here to buy your raffle tickets now or make a donation to YoungCare.
See you Friday October 5th at our NEW venue Edgewater Dining, at our NEW time 10am, at the NEW (more affordable) price of $59 for our favourite women’s brunch event, The Brunch Club.
See you at The Brunch Club!
Ticket Price $59
Date Friday October 5th
Time 10:00am – 12:00pm
Venue Edgewater Dining & Lounge Bar
Capri on Via Roma
Book Your Ticket Here: https://empowerhouseonline.com/product/the-brunch-club

Find more about Amanda here: www.yellowpanda.com.au
Follow her on Instagram @amandapandawilliams and @yellowpandapr