07 Jan Managing Expectations
I’ve taken a few moments to myself during the madness that is typical of the holiday season. Moments where I wanted to craft something inspiring to share with you all, to bring clarity, to motivate, to celebrate the end of a year and the beginning of a new day – but I had nothing. It’s unlike me to be without words, that’s true. It’s also unlike me not to have prepared in advance. Yet, here we are, 7 days into the new year and I’ve finally had an idea on what I want to say, what I wish for you (and I) this year.
My epiphany (read: ramblings) is to do with expectations, more specifically, managing expectations – yours and others’. As a woman I have felt the pressure that comes from other people’s expectations, expectations which (on occasion) somehow seeped into my own while I wasn’t looking. As a human, I’ve had sleepless nights, that heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach, the dry mouth, clammy hands, and felt fear itself curl around my throat so tight I couldn’t breathe – all stemming from my own expectations (no extra ‘help’ required here!), or more specifically not meeting them. It’s no wonder we feel disconnected, invalid or unlovable when we are constantly faced with opinions on who we should be, how we should look, what to weigh, how many followers we should have, when to have babies, our diets, our homes, our clothes, our cars, our bodies and the plethora of other shit we’re apparently doing wrong or not measuring up to. So here is my suggestion (and your permission – if you need it) on managing those unrealistic and rather unhelpful expectations by saying “f*#% it”, you do you, girlfriend. Please know that you are wonderful, you are where you need to be and you always have options. You can do it, you have another opportunity to try again whenever you decide, and another, and another. Forget everyone else’s expectations, but be grateful that you have people in your life who care enough about you to expect greatness from you. It’s time to move away from the ‘hustle and hustle harder’ mentality, let’s try blossoming instead.
So, this year (and every year, month, week, day) I want to wish you ‘YOU’, however that may come. I wish you strength to face whatever challenges come your way. I wish you patience for when things don’t seem to be going your way. Respect, for yourself and those around you. Courage to take the risks which hopefully also bring rewards. Faith, in yourself and in the lessons you’ve learnt so far. Wisdom to know your limitations. Empathy and compassion, in the hopes that you might do something each day to improve the world around you, like throwing a stone into a pond and watching the ripples grow. I wish you enough sun and rain and that you will appreciate them both – knowing you cannot grow or harvest without either one. I wish you adventure and excitement, because your life isn’t meant to be about just working to pay bills. Most of all, I wish you love. Love for yourself, love for the special people in your life, love for those who need you, love for the people you’ll never meet, love for the world around you – be sure you spread it around, liberally, like soft butter on warm fresh bread.
See you soon ❤️ Lauren xx