23 Apr It’s Time To Lock Down Your Income
We may be locked down right now but that is not going to last forever, my friend! Let’s jump straight in to what you need to do to lock down your income.
Your focus can make or break you in business. But I want you to flourish! Ask yourself these questions to find out where you should focus right now.
What do your customers need? First of all, they need you to turn up. Don’t go disappearing because it all seems too hard right now. Your clients want to know you’re still there and they can come back to you! Consider how you can support them – Do they need longer payment terms? Extended returns policy? Perhaps a new product or service? When in doubt, ask!
How do you need to adapt your business to serve them better? If you’ve taken your business online, I’m sure you have seen how much better prepared you need to be. What else can you do to ‘go the extra mile’ for your clients?
What is going to make you money? Money is what makes the world go round. As Brooke Vulinovich said in her masterclass How to glow up rn “…you can’t bank likes and follows.” Focus on the things that will bring in money, so you can keep changing the world one customer at a time. Now is the time to lock down your income.
Where can you improve? Look at your systems, your calendar, the Google listing for your business, your Facebook page, your website copy, even look at your products and services and find the parts of your operation/setup that could be improved. Are you easy to find? Is it clear what the customer should do to work with you or buy from you? Simplify it all!
So many incredible challenges have been popping up all over the place lately. There’s freebies and paid challenges, all the tiktok stuff and plenty more going on in the land of Facebook. But, as I said earlier, focus is more important than ever if you want to lock down your income! So let’s focus on participating ONLY in challenges that can help us with these things.
What do you need to know? You’ve worked it out, you need more skills to be able to provide a better product/service to your clients. So, start with the challenges that can add to your knowledge and equip you with better tools.
What is going to help you create more income? Again, money makes the world go round and if you are in business but ‘making money’ isn’t on your TO DO list… WHY ARE YOU HERE? Absolutely, have higher values, want to change the world and save the planet! But, without money, you can not do better and you cannot go further. Get involved with a challenge that will help you lock down your income.
What will make you feel better? The way you feel, both mentally and physically, has never been more important. Find yourself a challenge that can help you get to that next level, or even give you something to look forward to each day. Get amongst those good vibes!
Save Money
There’s no point in making all this money if you’re going to hand it out just as fast. Saving money doesn’t mean you have to cut out all the things you love, but aren’t exactly necessities, it means being mindful of where you spend your cash. Look into your bank account and ask yourself these questions.
Who are you paying? Do you even recognise the subscriptions coming out of your account each month? Unless you are vigilant, I’m sure there might be a ‘donation’ or two going out for things you forgot you signed up for.
Do they have a budget friendly version? We all like options, so ask your favourite providers what else they have to offer. Recently, I had a little freak out about my cash flow and I decided I couldn’t afford my usual subscription with my favourite stock images. I was devastated. Then I found out that Kate Max Stock have a fabulous new monthly option! It’s much more budget friendly, and I still get access to the entire library, I just have a limit on how many photos I can download. I literally use their photos for everything I do! So you know I’m pleased as punch to be back onboard as a member!
Is there someone else who will give you more love for your money? Trust me, there is just about always someone else who is willing to do more for your money. Perhaps your needs have changed and it’s time to reassess anyway? Call your insurer, see if they’ll give you a discount, maybe combine your policies to get a multi-policy discount, or even take your business elsewhere.
(Side note: Be careful, cheaper insurance is unlikely to be better! You need to know you can afford to pay your excess when you make a claim, perhaps you need a loan car regardless of whether you’re ‘at fault’ or not, you definitely don’t want to be charged more for paying by the month, and it is absolute rubbish that you should have to pay to choose your own repairer. Do your research!)
The next person on the list is your electricity provider, are they giving you a ‘pay on time discount’? How do their rates compare to others? Again, do the research and save yourself some money. It’s your cash and you should get to enjoy it, rather than waste it on excessive bills.
You can also check out your phone and internet providers. Last month, I managed to cut my phone bill down from $120 to $39! The only sacrifice I had to make was a downgrade from 12GB to 10GB of data – which I never use anyway! The rest of my deal was the same as it was before, just a hell of a lot cheaper. If you’re provider won’t give you a better deal, then it’s time to shop elsewhere my friend.
Finally, have a look at your entertainment subscriptions like Netflix. Maybe you’re in a share house and you can all pool together on one account, rather than 3 or 4 separate ones? It’ll save you all money and you’re probably binge watching together anyway. Makes sense, right?
Finally… So many of us are home right now, probably spending so much more time on social media because we are looking for connection. Beware the rabbit hole! It’s easy to spend time mindlessly scrolling or watching funny videos, and by all means, go right ahead if that’s your thing.
I implore you to be aware of how much time you spend consuming social media, and whether it might be distracting you from your purpose. Focus! This lock down will end, that’s why it’s time to lock down your income.
Need some help? I’ve got a library of FREE resources for you right here.