02 Jul Guest Blog: How To Kick Fear’s Butt When Starting Something New by Ash Chow
How to Kick Fear’s Butt When Starting Something New
The first time I thought about publicly sharing my words online, I immediately squashed it down and wrote it off as ‘too hard’ and ‘too vulnerable.’
That was 3 years ago.
Last year, when the idea to publish my writing started knocking on my heart again, the same thoughts swarmed into my mind. Only this time, it brought buddies.
‘Who do you think you are?’
‘What if you fail?’
‘What will people think?’
‘Worst- what if no one cares?’
Like an army, these enemy soldiers invaded my mind and set up base camp with the sole purpose of killing off any ideas to share my words of encouragement with the world.
Maybe you’ve experienced something similar just as you were about to try something new. Whether that be setting up your own Etsy shop, becoming a small business owner or even as simple as posting a picture on Instagram.
If you’ve never identified if before, let me formally introduce you to Fear. Fear is the voice behind all of these self-deprecating thoughts. Although he may put on various disguises such as Anxiety, Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt, it’s really just Fear pulling the strings.
Fear’s main mission is to keep you small. To keep you believing that you’d never amount to much, so you probably shouldn’t try at all. Fear doesn’t want you putting yourself in situations where you’d be more exposed.
Put your words online where people may criticise it? No thank you.
Set up a shop when you may get no sales? Heck no.
Become a female business owner when female CEO’s already have a dozen harder obstacles? Just stay in bed, hun.
Fear has infinite excuses in his bag of tricks to keep you in one spot.
The difference between me last year, and me three years ago,
was that I changed fear’s direction.
Fear will always be there on our journey.
There’s no getting rid of him. He is a guaranteed travel companion. But amongst
all the scary scenarios of failure and criticism emerged an even more
terrifying thought- the fear that it
would break my heart if I never even tried.
It was this horrifying scenario that finally kicked me into action. The thought that I would stay ‘ordinary’ forever because I was too scared to try something different. The thought that so many people may never benefit from the message I wanted to share because I was scared of what ‘haters’ would think.
When I finally published my words online, my first piece was about – you guessed it- fear. That article landed in front of the eyes of a female CEO who ended up hiring me to be her writer even though I had zero experience. Every time I share my experiences with fear, I hear the chimes of ‘me too’ and ‘I feel the same way.’ I only say this to show you that no one is immune from fear. Not a CEO. Not the influencer on Instagram or the businesswoman who made it onto the Forbes 30 under 30 list. Everyone – no matter how well they hide it- is scared sh*tless of something.
You may think that because I’m writing about this, it means I’ve conquered it and become the Master of Fear. There’s no such thing. I still deal with Fear daily. Even hourly. I feel it whenever I’m about to press publish on another blog post. It creeps up when I think about sharing my words on Instagram or when I don’t know whether I should introduce myself as a student or a writer.
I have to make an intentional choice every day- do I want to be fearful or do I want to be bold?
So how do you kick fear in the butt?
You acknowledge that for better or worse, it’ll always be there.
You recognise that out of the bazillion things that out of your control, this is actually something you get to call the shots on. You get to choose whether fear keeps you in the one spot OR if it pushes you to be the best version of yourself.
You pair up with him and say, ‘Hey, I can’t beat you. But maybe I can use your energy for a good purpose. Every time you come into the picture, I know it’s just a sign that I’m being pushed out of my comfort zone and it’s my time to grow.’
That’s how you kick fear’s butt.
That’s how you become what you always were- a winner.

Blog: www.ashchow.com
Ash Chow is a writer and social media manager in Melbourne, Australia. Her heart is to use her words and feelings to support and encourage other people. When she’s not writing, you can find her taking up space in cafes or dancing solo in living rooms. She shows up to encourage her readers every Wednesday at www.ashchow.com