12 Aug Empower House – The Beginning
Empower House has been a long time coming… After finishing in my last role with another qualification I sat down and thought about what it is that I should do next. I’ve worked in a few different environments, picked up a range of different skills, developed working relationships with clients and colleagues and completed a few formal qualifications as well. I enjoy working with people, I’m organised, solution focused, I have all the ‘techy’ skills that I really need, I write well, speak well (communication has never been an issue of mine), I have certificates and diplomas in everything from business admin to life coaching and NLP to financial planning… What does that make me though? The one thing I do really well is support people. I’ve spent 10 years working in small businesses helping other people realise their dreams, taking pressure off wherever I can, organising their lives, motivating them and coaching them through whatever challenges came along.
I’ve recognised a disconnect between who people actually are and what they show the world, I’m sure you’ve seen it too. We decided somewhere along the line that we have multiple personas – work me, friends me, family me, social media me etc. The problem being that with all of these personas comes dissatisfaction. We aren’t being who we really want to be 100% of the time. Empower House, for me, is creating a business that is congruent with who I actually am. If you could imagine for a minute that this is actually my house; the door would always be open, there would be food (and probably wine) on the table and plenty of laughter. The house would be a place where anyone was welcome; honesty, respect and support are paramount and you need only ask for whatever you need.
Empower House is here to make a change in the way we do business together; like having your best friend give you a hand to do all the things you need to get done. Whatever the job is and however long it’s been sitting on your ‘to do’ list, that’s what I’m here for. Most importantly, Empower House is here to EMPOWER you. Take control of your time, be who you are, design and enjoy your ideal lifestyle.
Speak to you soon,
Lauren xx