13 Feb Credit: The Honour Project
Excuse the format. I just wanted to share with you something I saw on Instagram and loved.
#Repost @thehonourproject
At one time or another most of us have compromised ourselves and our self worth, in search of the validation and acceptance of others.
We all have a core need to feel accepted, to be loved, and to belong. But in relying on validation and approval from sources outside of ourselves, we give those things, and particularly other people, the huge responsibility of filling up our own self worth and value.
This never works, or at least it won’t work for very long, because self-esteem is not relative.
Our worth does not rely on the input of anyone else, and it certainly isn’t measured by what others think or feel, or say or do.
Letting go of what other people think, and the need for their approval, can be a biggie for many. But what’s worse, is building a life that relies on the opinions of others.
I know for me, I always know deep down when something isn’t right for me. Like most of us I’ve ignored this “knowing” on many occasions in the past, and have convinced myself otherwise, until something BIG (usually not pleasant) happens to get my attention.
Aim to be as honest as possible with yourself. Get real with you. Know when to walk away from people or situations that aren’t right. Recognise when you may be acting out of a need for validation, acceptance and approval, instead of acting on what serves and honours who you are.
Fill your cup on your own terms ✌🏻😊
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📷 @gratitude_project xx