18 Jun Charity Fundraiser Success!
A Seat At The Table charity fundraiser success!
On Saturday I had the pleasure of getting together with Gold Coast locals for the first charity fundraiser event hosted by Empower House. We had a divine three-course lunch at Harry’s Steak Bistro & Bar and listened to the incredibly talented Emma Lancaster. A great day was had by all and while I’m still counting up donations, raffle taking and silent auction sales, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of the amazing generous businesses and locals who supported the event. I was blown away by the amount of donations I received from everyone for the silent auction, decorations for the venue, the venue and entertainer themselves discounted services and donated an extra hour of drinks package, as well as products for our gift bags – these donations came to over $5000, which is absolutely incredible especially considering only 5 people on the list of sponsors have ever met me before.
In no particular order, I’d like to thank the following people for opening their hearts, supporting my event and contributing to its success.

Harry’s Steak Bistro & Bar www.harryssteakbistro.com.au www.facebook.com/harryssteakbistro www.instagram.com/harryssteakbistro

Emma Lancaster Music www.emmalancaster.com.au www.facebook.com/emmalancastermusic www.instagram.com/emmalancaster_music

Just Skyn Beauty www.justskyn-beauty.com.au www.facebook.com/justskynbeautyclinic www.instagram.com/justskynbeauty

Pure Private Wealth https://pureprivatewealth.com.au https://www.facebook.com/pureprivatewealth https://www.instagram.com/pureprivatewealth

Waggy Tails Dog Spa & Grooming https://waggy-tails-dog-spa-grooming.business.site www.facebook.com/waggytailsdogspa www.instagram.com/waggy_tails_dog_spa

Coastal Babysitters www.coastalbabysitters.com.au https://www.facebook.com/coastalbabysitters https://www.instagram.com/coastal_babysitters

Drift Trading Co. https://drifttradingco.com.au www.facebook.com/drifttradingco www.instagram.com/drifttradingco

Graphic Icon Photography www.graphicicon.com.au www.facebook.com/graphiciconphotography www.instagram.com/graphicicon

Christine Innes www.christine-innes.com www.facebook.com/christineinnescoach www.instagram.com/christine_innes

Miss Bliss Hair Boutique www.missblisshair.com.au www.facebook.com/missblisshairboutique www.instagram.com/missblisshair

Tweed Real Food https://tweedrealfood.com www.facebook.com/tweedrealfood www.instagram.com/tweedrealfood

Gold Coast Pop Up Picnic www.goldcoastpopuppicnics.com.au www.facebook.com/goldcoastpopuppicnics www.instagram.com/goldcoastpopuppicnics

Euphoria Esspresso www.euphoriaesspresso.com.au www.facebook.com/euphoriaesspressocafe www.instagram.com/euphoriaesspressorobina

Balloon HQ Gold Coast www.balloonhq.com.au www.facebook.com/balloonhqgc www.instagram.com/balloonhqgc

Her Nourished https://nourished-with-krissy.shopify.com www.facebook.com/hernourished www.instagram.com/her.nourished

Minchkins www.minchkinsapparel.com www.facebook.com/cheekylittleminchkins www.instagram.com/minchkins
Laine Preston of LJ Hooker Mudgeeraba