31 May Guest Blog: Blocks and Stuck-ness Be Gone! By Catherine Christoforatos (Cee Cee)
Blocks and stuck-ness be gone!
What if it were that easy? What would you do or pay to make it that easy?
So here’s an interesting thing. This is what I do…
I LOVE seeing people embrace life-coaching. You have got to get clear on your vision, your path and why you’re doing what you’re doing. Make a plan. Be proactive. Follow your dreams. Awesome.
But what happens when you hit a block? Or worse, the same block keeps coming up again and again like some kind of sick business groundhog day…
I love seeing people go to counselling, especially couples. Go talk about stuff, find your triggers and explore what’s really going on underneath. Create awareness. Brilliant.
But then what?
The answer that I found for me is kinesiology. I have to say at this point two things – not all kinesiologists are equal and also kinesiology is, I’m sure, not the only modality, but it is the only one that I found that works so profoundly when you have the right mentor.
So I found that mentor. That healer who was a perfect fit for me and it changed my entire life. So much so that I asked her to train me, and I now practice the very same magic for others.
Why kinesiology? OK so here are some rather fascinating points to consider:
- 90% of who we are, what we believe and what is driving our behaviour is subconscious and unconscious, so whatever work we are doing on the conscious level is only scratching the surface of what is driving the bus…
- Science has shown that our thoughts, feelings and experiences can change our DNA. So you aren’t just the sum total of your experiences, but ALL the family that came before you has contributed thoughts, beliefs and fears to your existence. Nooo! It hardly seems fair does it? I don’t know about you but my grandfather was in the war and my grandmother lived through the depression – that’s just one generation, think about all the others on top!
- Some research suggests that 80% of our thought content is negative and we have up to 98% of the same thoughts today we had yesterday – creatures of negative habits aren’t we?!
When people ask what I do I often do somewhat flippantly say “magic”, but to be honest, clearing those eternal blocks and negative beliefs that hold us back is nothing short of miraculous at times. We can absolutely use coaching and counselling to create awareness and direction, but then we need one step more to clear whatever is blocking that path.
Using kinesiology I tap into the 90% subconscious using muscle-testing to ask the body what is there, bypassing the mind and its rather lonely 10% conscious beliefs. We then use essential oils and clearing statements to REMOVE, PERMANENTLY the trapped negative beliefs, fears and blocks that we have inherited and created.
A recent client after her first session: “My emotions and baggage that I have been carrying for over a decade have shifted to the surface and released with harmony. Even though I was the only other physical body with you my whole family has received healing. I cannot express enough how grateful I feel ..”
Does this work for more than just business blocks? Absolutely, and I strongly encourage everyone, everywhere, to heal their family history. It is so incredibly important to offer the next generation a clearer slate…as well as ourselves of course.
Does this work on money blocks? Yes. Self-worth issues? Yes. Past trauma? Yes.
Will this shift the entire energy dynamic of my business? Yes. Potentially, if you do the work.
I honestly cannot tell you how much I love what I do because I SEE the change. So what do you say? Abracadabra?

Find me on facebook: facebook.com/genwellglobal
Website: genwell.com.au
Email enquiries: genwellglobal@gmail.com
Cee Cee started her career as a Molecular Biologist and spent many years working in biomedical research. She then went on to complete a Grad Dip in Psychology.
In 2008 she embarked on the trip of a lifetime – world travel including volunteer work in Ghana, learning French in Sancerre and Couchsurfing in Guatemala – connecting with amazing people the world over.
Raising two very sensitive, aware little beings has created a new focus – understanding the emotional and energetic aspect of healing, as well as assisting families to greater awareness, health and joy through natural methods.
As well as being one of the first people in the WORLD to certify as an Aromatic-Kinesiologist™, Cee Cee leads a team of Essential Oil Entrepreneurs who share the power of doTERRA’s certified pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils around the GLOBE! You too can join this amazing movement of health and healing – We are on a MISSION to take healing and financial freedom to communities in need.