Gretty Rose is a passionate entrepreneur, fitness influencer, and mother of two who has redefined resilience in the face of challenges. Her journey began with the successful launch of a fashion boutique, which she grew over eight years. However, when the pandemic reshaped the business...

Cassandra Barrie is the epitome of resilience, ambition, and authentic transformation. With nearly 20 years of experience spanning retail, fashion, events, salons, and e-commerce, Cassandra has faced and conquered every professional and personal challenge. The loss of her husband during her pregnancy marked a turning...

Missy Robinson’s journey is one of resilience and transformation. After a traumatic experience while serving in the Australian Army in 2008, Missy faced nearly two decades of complex mental health challenges, physical struggles, and personal setbacks. Her journey took a turning point following a near-death...

Billie Sharp is a renowned business coach and success catalyst, with over a decade of upper management experience and a foundational expertise in business. Her unique blend of knowledge and practical experience positions her as a leading figure in the entrepreneurial coaching space. Billie’s contributions...

Prue Sulicich is a highly respected Master Executive Coach, Mentor, and Podcast Host, renowned for helping overwhelmed, high-achieving individuals gain clarity and achieve their goals with ease and fulfilment. With qualifications including a Diploma of Life Coaching and Diploma of Accounting, Prue has created and...

Peta-Lea Brenda is a women’s empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, and the visionary founder of The Woman Empire Project, Australia’s latest event designed to ignite the potential within every woman. Through her coaching and speaking, Peta-Lea is dedicated to helping women break through self-limiting beliefs, embrace...

Annette Densham is a multi-award-winning PR expert and accomplished journalist whose work has graced the pages of Australia's leading publications. She has received numerous accolades, including 6 x Grand Stevie Awards, Telstra Best of Business Awards Queensland for Accelerating Women, Business Xcellence Awards PR winner,...

Lauren “Loz” Antonenko is an evidence-based, interdisciplinary coach and mojo mentor. She is a professional speaker, author, and edutainer who helps busy professionals, business owners, and teams skyrocket their performance, focus, and confidence by simplifying their daily habits. Loz specialises in unlocking the handbrakes of...

Courtenay Rodwell is a renowned Entrepreneur, Transformative Coach, Speaker, and Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy. She is highly regarded in personal and professional development, known for her dedication to helping clients reach their full potential. Her approach combines empathy, intuition, and strategic...