Seamus Evans is a TV presenter, Radio Host, Stand up Comedian, Ambassador for Tourette Syndrome Association Australia and Keynote Speaker. I visit corporations and schools all over the country, sharing my triumphant journey overcoming the challenges associated with Tourette Syndrome to work on TV and...

Anthea Balfour is a Consulting  Somatic Psychotherapist & Executive Mentor specialising in business strategy & leadership. She is a Cultural Ambassador for the Mental Health Foundation Australia;  and Founder of Matryarch Consulting. Anthea Educates & speaks internationally on corporate culture, performance, emotional intelligence & leadership,...

Emily Shine is a professional, Kinesiologist, Human design reader and developer of Divine Energetics a Hybrid energy medicine modality that combines human design with vibrational medicine. She is passionate about holding a safe container for People of all walks of life to heal, find clarity...