Cassandra Barrie is the epitome of resilience, ambition, and authentic transformation. With nearly 20 years of experience spanning retail, fashion, events, salons, and e-commerce, Cassandra has faced and conquered every professional and personal challenge. The loss of her husband during her pregnancy marked a turning...

Cassandra Barrie is the epitome of resilience, ambition, and authentic transformation. With nearly 20 years of experience spanning retail, fashion, events, salons, and e-commerce, Cassandra has faced and conquered every professional and personal challenge. The loss of her husband during her pregnancy marked a turning...

Billie Sharp is a renowned business coach and success catalyst, with over a decade of upper management experience and a foundational expertise in business. Her unique blend of knowledge and practical experience positions her as a leading figure in the entrepreneurial coaching space. Billie’s contributions...

Gretty Rose is a passionate entrepreneur, fitness influencer, and mother of two who has redefined resilience in the face of challenges. Her journey began with the successful launch of a fashion boutique, which she grew over eight years. However, when the pandemic reshaped the business...