29 Jul Meet Stephanie Zee
Stephanie Zee is a woman on a mission to elevate human consciousness through faith, love and healing...
Stephanie Zee is a woman on a mission to elevate human consciousness through faith, love and healing...
Sasha Lester is a certified Proctor Gallagher Institute consultant and through the use of the Thinking Into Results program coaches parents through the immensely troubling times of teenage years. ...
Seamus Evans is a TV presenter, Radio Host, Stand up Comedian, Ambassador for Tourette Syndrome Association Australia and Keynote Speaker. I visit corporations and schools all over the country, sharing my triumphant journey overcoming the challenges associated with Tourette Syndrome to work on TV and...
Phoebe Dray is a Qualified award winning accountant, come business finance coach. ...
Anthea Balfour is a Consulting Somatic Psychotherapist & Executive Mentor specialising in business strategy & leadership. She is a Cultural Ambassador for the Mental Health Foundation Australia; and Founder of Matryarch Consulting. Anthea Educates & speaks internationally on corporate culture, performance, emotional intelligence & leadership,...
Emily Shine is a professional, Kinesiologist, Human design reader and developer of Divine Energetics a Hybrid energy medicine modality that combines human design with vibrational medicine. She is passionate about holding a safe container for People of all walks of life to heal, find clarity...
Our Brunch Club calendar kicks off on February 4th with Joyce Santiago Savage who will be sharing "How to overcome the fear of success." Joyce Santiago Savage is a Fashion Buyer who turned her passion from fashion design and development into guiding women to personal development...
With a Kindle called ‘her best mate’ and borderline obsession with reading, Annette Densham was destined to have a career centred around delicious, wonderful words. From hiding in the school library as a 10 year old determined to fill more reading cards than her classmates...
Michelle Anne is well known for giving your soul a big warm cuddle! Her big heart and warm smile will make you feel instantly at ease and she is known for her contagious energy. ...
The Brunch Club line up. We are so fortunate to have booked in some incredible speakers at The Brunch Club events over the years, and it won't stop now! This is your reminder to save these dates in your calendar ASAP....