Gretty Rose is a passionate entrepreneur, fitness influencer, and mother of two who has redefined resilience in the face of challenges. Her journey began with the successful launch of a fashion boutique, which she grew over eight years. However, when the pandemic reshaped the business...

Cassandra Barrie is the epitome of resilience, ambition, and authentic transformation. With nearly 20 years of experience spanning retail, fashion, events, salons, and e-commerce, Cassandra has faced and conquered every professional and personal challenge. The loss of her husband during her pregnancy marked a turning...

Missy Robinson’s journey is one of resilience and transformation. After a traumatic experience while serving in the Australian Army in 2008, Missy faced nearly two decades of complex mental health challenges, physical struggles, and personal setbacks. Her journey took a turning point following a near-death...

Billie Sharp is a renowned business coach and success catalyst, with over a decade of upper management experience and a foundational expertise in business. Her unique blend of knowledge and practical experience positions her as a leading figure in the entrepreneurial coaching space. Billie’s contributions...

Jacqueline Nagle CSP, Managing Director Any Given Tuesday, Host of the Raise 1000 Voices Podcast, Working with women who lead - who want to be seen, heard AND remembered. A Fifth Generation Entrepreneur with a fiercely strategic brain, Jacqueline Nagle’s diverse career criss-crosses professional services,...

Francesca Moi - Empowering Virtual Solution. Certified Coach at Life Coach school, Professional Speaker Australia Accreditation, grew a start up business to $1M in 3 year and now grew a start up in 4months to $400k a year! I am a business coach that has...

My name is AnneMie Decatte, pronounced "AnnaMee." I was born and raised in Belgium. At the age of 15 I was involved in a horrific traffic accident, which took me 12 months to recover from. This event played a huge part in my transformation as...

Julz (Julia) Zielke – Sales Inside Edge. Julia believes that life is too short not to do something we LOVE everyday. And when we are doing something we LOVE we get to make a difference in the lives of others. Learning how to sell effectively...