Cassandra Barrie is the epitome of resilience, ambition, and authentic transformation. With nearly 20 years of experience spanning retail, fashion, events, salons, and e-commerce, Cassandra has faced and conquered every professional and personal challenge. The loss of her husband during her pregnancy marked a turning...

Missy Robinson’s journey is one of resilience and transformation. After a traumatic experience while serving in the Australian Army in 2008, Missy faced nearly two decades of complex mental health challenges, physical struggles, and personal setbacks. Her journey took a turning point following a near-death...

Billie Sharp is a renowned business coach and success catalyst, with over a decade of upper management experience and a foundational expertise in business. Her unique blend of knowledge and practical experience positions her as a leading figure in the entrepreneurial coaching space. Billie’s contributions...

Jacqueline Nagle CSP, Managing Director Any Given Tuesday, Host of the Raise 1000 Voices Podcast, Working with women who lead - who want to be seen, heard AND remembered. A Fifth Generation Entrepreneur with a fiercely strategic brain, Jacqueline Nagle’s diverse career criss-crosses professional services,...

Francesca Moi - Empowering Virtual Solution. Certified Coach at Life Coach school, Professional Speaker Australia Accreditation, grew a start up business to $1M in 3 year and now grew a start up in 4months to $400k a year! I am a business coach that has...

My name is AnneMie Decatte, pronounced "AnnaMee." I was born and raised in Belgium. At the age of 15 I was involved in a horrific traffic accident, which took me 12 months to recover from. This event played a huge part in my transformation as...

Julz (Julia) Zielke – Sales Inside Edge. Julia believes that life is too short not to do something we LOVE everyday. And when we are doing something we LOVE we get to make a difference in the lives of others. Learning how to sell effectively...