Business Club Mastermind
Doors Open Now – Join Today!

Thanks for checking out what the Business Club is all about!

I’m excited to announce that the mastermind is now open for new members.
Don’t miss your chance to join and take your business to the next level!

Business Club Mastermind


The mastermind for ambitious business owners and entrepreneurs looking for a seat at the table, in the right room.


This mastermind has been designed to bring you clarity, focus, confidence and connection. Use Business Club to build on your success, set ambitious goals, track your progress, troubleshoot your challenges with other amazing business owners, and create long lasting relationships.


If you’ve ever felt like you didn’t know what to do next, been overwhelmed, burnt out, or you’ve put in so much work but haven’t seen the results you hoped for, then this is the place for you.

Business Club includes:

Monthly online mastermind session

Weekly check-ins

Expert hosted subject specific workshops

Mini-courses, masterclasses, and more

Dedicated Q&A channel just for members

Members only private online community - outside of social media

Digital workbooks, templates, and resources

No lock-in contracts

Regular Business Club members only in-person events (optional extra)

My intention for this mastermind is:

To help you build on your success

To bring you clarity and confidence to pursue your dreams

To help you focus and take action in the direction of your goals

To encourage you to take more efficient and effective action

To help you set ambitious goals and track your progress

To celebrate your wins, and help you troubleshoot your challenges

To help you identify what isn’t working for you in your business

To highlight your strengths and how you can leverage them further

To create a community for, and connect you with incredible business owners and entrepreneurs

For you to have a seat at the table in the right room, a space where you are seen, heard, understood, and supported. Where we work together collaboratively.

This isn’t…

A container where you are expected to promote, refer to, or employ the services/purchase the products of the other business owners at the table.

A space where discounts and referral fees are encouraged or mandatory.

A social gathering, gossip session, or casual catch up.

The Business Club mastermind session is held online on the second Friday of the month, with the recording available to all members.


Date: 2nd Friday of each month

Time: 9am AEST

Location: Zoom – link delivered via email.

Price: $49 per month